Diplom Theorie

The Journey of Liquid Gold

The work is concerned with global trade relations and structures in the honey industry. A focus is placed on journalistic and economic approaches. The introductory section highlights the biological realities and neuroscientific ob- servations of the hive. Further attention is given to the expert global allegations against China as the world export champion for honey – with a view to counterfeiting and the level of exports. Furthermore, the paper uses waybills and excerpts from legal texts to clarify whether it is possible to determine the origin of honey, which technical foodstuffs rules currently apply, and in what conflict these are with an overall clarification.

Soziologie, Medientheorie
Prof. Dr. Marc Ries
Diplom Praxis

The Journey of Liquid Gold

The work can be divided into two parts:

The exhibits

Photographs from Germany and Mexico (Germany’s greatest source of honey) will be exhibited, as well as plates of one square meter in size consisting of honey and copper. The almost eighty photographs and the video are juxtaposed with historical photographs of beekeepers from the 1940s. The relationship between people and farm animals relative to the industrialisation of the honey bee is examined.

The magazine

Humans and bees are so closely linked that humanity’s continued existence would be at risk should honeybees die out. The magazine presents current researchers’ findings on honey bees.

Text: Felix Englert • Magazin: edition: 75 ISBN: 978-3-00-071170-1 • Website: verdianaalbano.com/the-journey-of-liquid-gold
Bildhauerei • Fotografie
Prof. Mike Bouchet • Prof. Martin Liebscher