Tania Felske
Art ❷❷
Diplom Theorie

Korallen im Wandel

Was wir von den Korallen lernen können. Eine künstlerisch-wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit dem Phänomen Koralle

The study relates to coral’s attribute of metamorphosis in terms of: 1. its ability to transform, 2. the transformation of its portrayal over time from an art historical perspective.

Corals have an outstanding ability to transform themselves. Metamorphosis is part of their nature. As indeterminate beings, they oscillate between three states: animal, plant, and mineral. The way their depiction has changed in the course of the epochs is significant. In my theoretical work, I have investigated and interpreted this transformation and situated it within the context of art history with the aid of many examples. Coral reefs are achingly beautiful, says Donna Haraway. Corals are the epitome of the sea’s mysterious beauty. Their appearance and character seem strange, exotic, magical, mysterious, fantastic, colourful, decorative, iridescent, fragmentary, floral, and much more for us humans.

Prof. Dr. Christian Janecke
Diplom Praxis


These cardboard companions are modern goddesses who are based on the archetypal characteristics of primordial mothers. Some of the attributes also allude to modified cyber beings, avatars, or superwomen. The work can be traced back to collages in A2, which involve stereotypical portrayals of women. They originated from a process of tearing paper elements out of common print magazines, then cutting them up, glueing them together, and then composing the fragments anew.

The thirteen cardboard companions range in size from 69 × 70 cm to 180 × 225 cm • Print on corrugated cardboard • Spatial installation
Prof. Catrin Altenbrandt, Prof. Adrian Nießler