Michael Franzen
Art ❷❷
Diplom Theorie

Chatbots als Simul­ation Kognitiver Verhaltens­therapie

The work engages with conversations in the digital and with transhuman forms of psychotherapeutic treatment possibilities, through which the process of advancing automation and digitalisation of work becomes manifest. In doing so, the question arises whether better and more extensive data collection really brings about more individualised treatment. Specifically, the work refers to apps that make use of chatbots. These are prescribed by health insurance companies as a supplement to psychotherapeutic treatment and are intended to simulate therapeutic consultations. Health insurance companies profit from low treatment costs and people benefit from readily available therapeutic measures. To this end, three apps were tested over a period of weeks, followed by a detailed description and analysis.

Soziologie, Medientheorie
Prof. Dr. Marc Ries
Diplom Praxis

Intelligente Achtsamkeit im digitalen Einklang

The practical work is a video and sound installation that employs artificial intelligence to imitate and satirise meditation and mindfulness exercises. The visual language, music and instructions refer to the subject. On a deeper level, the work is concerned with physicality in the digital, the simulation of humanity and the search for dialogue with oneself and the spiritual. It shows the dark side of self-optimisation, is a critique of the automation of work, the process of datafication of human life and social and cultural exploitation. Simultaneously, such modes of representation can also be found in a counterculture, which shows the great ambivalence of humanity in a capitalist digital world.

Prof. Catrin Altenbrandt, Prof. Adrian Nießler