Die Natur kennt keinen Abfall?
Nature knows no waste. This principle of constant change, recyclability, and organicity has become the cornerstone of sustainable design. By considering the time frame, the cosmos (micro, meso and macro) and the circumstances, this thesis will examine whether waste exists in nature and what influence it has on natural systems. Moreover, the proposition design does not waste resources will be assessed. This will also be based on examples of circular flow models (C2C) as an evaluating instance. Such models will be analysed in relation to Luhmann’s systems theory. Both models will then be compared and superimposed in order to align them and generate a new proposal for closed-loop systems in industry and hence also in design. Furthermore, in order to be able to design in a sustainable manner, the question is raised whether design as a discipline should be expanded to include a systemic discipline.
The One Noded Nation (ONN) is an organisation for knowledge sharing and self-sufficiency support when responding to disasters for people across the globe. Knowledge sharing should be transparent, democratic, and accessible in order that everyone can access or update knowledge. To this end, the organisation assumes the role of a digital transfer portal.
All members are anonymously interconnected through a digital platform and can directly offer, actually provide, or request help. The knowledge portal for coping with disasters is co-created. An independent, alternative digital infrastructure can be established through open source nodes that continue to form a reliable means of communication.