Video Mundos
The theoretical work Video Mundos (Latin: Video Worlds) is a documentary side to my research on particular themes. A re-examining of the story of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks is particularly extensive. The work references, among other aspects, the original videos of the creative work and applies them in the form of a chronological chain of evidence that leads to a complex political history extending over more than a decade. Implications of concern are examined in a nuanced way and set in contemporary contexts. Findings in the research on modern entertainment propaganda demonstrate the inevitable necessity that goes hand in hand with increasing digitalisation: a competence in working with media.
Quid Video?
In the work Quid Video? (Latin: What do I see?), publicly accessible videos are employed in an exaggerated manner to illustrate specific geopolitical facts and processes. In accordance with the phenomenology of one’s own video research on the internet, another motive plays a central role besides that of gaining knowledge through new information: confusion.
Three issues became apparent: 1. The end of rule of the dictator Muammar al-Gaddafi in Libya in 2011, 2. the attacks of 11 September 2001 in New York, 3. the developments relating to Julian Assange and his organisation WikiLeaks since 2010. The work is conceived as a multi-channel video with several sound tracks.