Nachhaltigkeit in der Kunst
In my theoretical work, I explored the social responsibility of artists with regard to sustainable action. It was triggered by a quote from Ernst Fischer: Art is allowed do everything. However, can art function so unsustainably that it makes it impossible for future generations to still be permitted to do everything?
My approach was as follows: First, I presented the history of the idea of sustainability. Then I brought art into relation with nature and society. Systemic and complex thinking were key elements for situating art in our society. The thought experiment Schrödinger’s cat offered central arguments for the climate crisis as a wicked problem. It is only through the cooperation of all disciplines (transdisciplinarity) that a solution is conceivable. Finally, I considered four artists and their projects so as to explain and compare different artistic approaches and their sustainable artistic work in practice.
Ausgeträumt (the dream is over) is an inflatable installation in public space that relates to the topic of sustainability. Sustainability and how we interact with it are ever-present issues in the installation. Tying and untying knots are active practices that can build and shape creative research. Assistance, however, is indeed needed in the process. The installation adheres to the idea of sustainability thematically, in the materials chosen and the approach to creating it. This can be recognised in the old and broken inflatables used that would otherwise have been burnt as rubbish. These were meticulously disassembled into their individual components and sewn together again with threads.