Revolution Bitch Style Now
My practical work finds its origin in my Diplom thesis, whereby I focus on the image and the different public perceptions and representations of pop and rock stars. Socialisation plays an important role in a heteronormative society that views gender in a binary manner, the associated social expectations, and the subsequent power imbalance.
In order to steer the emphasis away from the primarily professional male rock star, the work Bubbleupdate concentrates entirely on the world of pop.
Pop is a diffuse, fluctuating concept – in the age of social media, cookies and algorithms extended by a very personal touch in its definition. Each person, depending on which bubble they are in, is sold something different as the ultimate component of modern pop culture.
Bubbleupdate presents my own pop culture bubble from the year 2021 with music performed by FLINTA*, which mixes pop, rap, and metal, and is a loud, colourful, satirical and challenges heteronormativity. The musicians celebrate pop, placing it in a positive light, and reclaiming it in a certain sense too. They set an example and ensure visibility by recognising the heteronormative construct of our society, one in which we all live and in which we have to find our way, and understanding that gender serves as a construction for certain groups to maintain their power.
A certain tension is created that is also an ambivalence. It is the turmoil one feels between one’s own body and the social expectations attached to it.