Feedback- Mechanismen
The focus of the theoretical investigation into the feedback mechanisms of interfaces is on the haptic sense, the products in which it is integrated as feedback, and the potential for designers and developers. The haptic sense serves in many circumstances as a form of reassurance that a product actually exists, that one is not dreaming and that things are in their right place. Once the reassurance is positive, trust in the context occurs. This aspect can be employed to create trust in the digital world too, which often cannot be touched directly. Taking into account different forms and effects of feedback and the complexity of the human senses, the following question is discussed: are haptic and tactile feedback mechanisms a trustworthy approach to digital interfaces?
2Light is a lighting system for bicycles that increases the safety of those participating in mobility in both active and passive ways. With regard to current developments in the shift in mobility, it is designed for an all-year-round bicycle use. The active components of 2Light include cornering illumination and a high beam. Corner illumination ensures an early detection of people, objects, animals, and obstacles along the road and in curves. A continuous level of lighting of the route is guaranteed. Passive functions comprise an indirect light panel, a brake and parking light, as well as reflective surfaces. 2Light furthers the visibility of people on the move through modelling parts of the bicycle and the body with light in an otherwise dark environment.