Dinge von Heute in der Gestalt von Gestern und Morgen
The starting point of my theoretical work was the question of what retrofuturistic design in film and television can offer modern product design. Yesterday’s visions of the future can hardly be compared with today’s visions of the future. Refuturism plays with opposites that hardly seem to be compatible. The future is explained by means of the past in order to present it in a credible way. Film and television allow a level of freedom in design that is absent in product design. Nevertheless, modern product design can learn considerably from this freedom. To illustrate retrofuturism in film and television, I have approached speculative design props from films and examined their significance and usefulness for product design: Sherlock Holmes’ sunglasses in the film of the same name Sherlock Holmes (2009) and the Sonic Screwdriver in the British TV series Doctor Who. Similar to the MAYA principle (Most Advanced Yet Acceptable), retrofuturistic design attempts to depict something that is new but can still be accepted as a possible truth.
The theory work underlines the relevance of speculative thinking and deals by asking how we want to design our future without forgetting our past. It creates links to alreadyestablished designs and elaborates how the speculative nature of film and television design can serve as an inspiration for future product designs.
POD is conceived as a plant container to be used in the city. Its hexagonal shape and integrated plug-in system allow for an unlimited level of expansion: the modular design affords many different arrangements to generate a structure. The construction is simple and has an architectural character. The aluminium legs, which are partially exposed, indicate where there is room for expansion. The container is made of multiplex panels, which are robust and weather-resistant. The individual panels are held together by screws and a plug-in joining system.
As a design concept, it is aimed at people who live in the city, wish to acquire plant containers and are looking for an opportunity to meet others socially. While POD offers the opportunity to plant flowers, it is also intended to encourage people to grow beneficial plants and provide an easy introduction to plant science.
It aims to promote a balance between urban and natural environments and to enable insects and other animals to live in symbiosis in city areas.