Steffen Strehl
Design ❷❶
Diplom Theorie

Design oder Altsein

At a dizzying pace, new technologies are constantly being employed to produce further developed and therefore better products. Existing ones quietly also disappear from the market. In the same way that people become older, so too do the things they design. Yet how does design age? When comparing the age levels of humans with that of designed objects, many analogies become apparent, despite clearly diverging life expectancies. The perpetual rivalry for product improvements and marginal innovations only leads to an apparent diversity. Products that are not permitted to differ too much from their equivalents merely set in motion a spiral of continuous minor further developments that results in their ostensible uniformity. As a consequence, the age of designed objects becomes discernible only in terms of their details. Conversely, people are also trying to protect themselves against ageing processes by all means possible, which makes it progressively more difficult to recognise the natural signs of ageing.

Design as the interface between man and technology should once again bring about strikingly different product innovations. It should do so by orienting itself more towards the slower changing everyday needs. This generates harmonious synchronicity, which is presently derailed by highly paced, purely technologically driven advancements. The forthcoming global challenges can be exploited by design through the skilful merging of the latest with the tried-and-tested. Rather than just taking small steps, design can also make impressive leaps.

Kultur- und Techniktheorien
Prof. Dr. Martin Gessmann
Diplom Praxis


Inhalieren mit Achtsamkeit

Difficulty in breathing can be counteracted by breathing in a controlled and calm manner. Odem is a medical inhalation device for use in respiratory diseases as well as for strengthening the respiratory tract and the immune system. While inhaling with Odem, users are encouraged to become fully aware of their own breathing rhythm and to relax. This helps to reduce medication dosage. Furthermore, the meditative process also enhances a sensation of personal efficacy and well-being.

Odem is modular and is made up of three elements. The flexible black mat is used for hygienic storage and to disinfect the inhalation wipe after use. The cloth with an integrated membrane is rolled up in the storage mat from where it stores and nebulises the inhalation solutions. It is placed on the face for inhalation and covers the eyes for the purposes of relaxation as well. The bronze ring serves as a mouth and nose cover and as a power supply for the nebulisation membrane. After inhalation, the ring feeds the black mat with electricity and disinfection begins by means of UV-C light.

Industrial Design
Prof. Frank Georg Zebner