Dystopie und Kritik
With the aid of selected sources of dystopian fiction from the past 100 years from literature and film, the features, functions and effects, but also the risks and deficiencies of the genre were researched. In doing so, interesting developmental patterns were established in relation to their communication.
Well Trained But Ignorance Is Bliss
The characteristics of contemporary dystopias, which can be considered to some extent as paradoxical with respect to representation, form of creation and effect, provided the cornerstone for the corresponding illustration series Well Trained But Ignorance Is Bliss. It presents the complex interrelationships of the theoretical work. The selection of colour and technique was a very conscious one. This was in order to capture, by experimental means and through inversion, the extent to which the discrepancy between soft colour and clean lines is able to produce a fresh approach to the sombre and chaotic-looking theme. The vector illustrations begin with the origins and continue through to a perspective of this genre, which itself creates perspectives. In this way, references to pop cultural elements or current events are made.