Das Material der Erinnerung
By means of various artistic references, material was examined with regard to its ability to store memory. It was concluded that every material can demonstrate some kind of storage. The extent to which this can be understood in relation to memory, in particular in the distinction between collective or individual memory, is always directly related to the space that the viewer experiences. However, to what extent does a predetermined conditioning also exist within the threefold division of collecting, exhibiting and receiving? How a society treats its past and what role artists play in such a process continues to be a relevant question. Art offers particular potential in that it is able to view memory as something that is not contained. Rather, it has the capacity to create a space that offers different perspectives.
Wiederkehrende Erinnerung und Dessen zeitliche Wirkung
The Diplom work is concerned with the representation of social ties between immigration and memory as a material or immaterial moment. The focus of the study is on the on the Turkish minority in Kosovo. Through the installation medium and the collage technique, the intricate and complex layers of diasporic formations and migratory flows, intersections of cultures, hybrid identities, geopolitical borders, and regional territorial identities are depicted. What is then revealed is that these points are continually evolving in form. Memory is invariably influenced by individual experiences, yet it can also suggest a social structure as well as how this can be represented physically.