Analoge Nostalgie
We work on the computer, read e-books, watch films via streaming services on our laptops, get to know people via dating apps, and we order food, clothes and much more on the internet. Digitalisation is omnipresent, permeating our entire lives. And yet, or perhaps precisely because of this, there appears to be a need for the analogue. This field of tension is the subject of my theoretical work. The context of this topic is the transformation of material through digitalisation. The work is therefore dedicated to various questions in the interplay of digital and physically ascertainable realities: how does the digital world emerge from the real one, and what is the relationship between them? What consequences does this have for us? Of relevance to my topic are the effects on our sensory experiences when engaging with digital surfaces and devices. Further, how does our sense of touch in particular change? How do we adapt our movement and gestures to new digital realities? How does this affect our body and, in particular, our hands?
Analoge Nostalgie
Anyone wanting to operate digital devices and engage with virtual worlds today has to click, swipe or type. Movement plays a large role here (gesture control). Yet we are simultaneously restricted in our range of movement. Taking my own artistic work for example: nothing can become bigger than the screen size in use. At the same time, we are also deprived of a sense of touch. We draw on tablets with pens that only have the appearance of being a pencil, yet do not run out like real colour pencils. They therefore give the impression of consistency. My practical Diplom work is broadly concerned with the lack of movement and haptics available in the digital world. My project will not be experienced using digital means though, but will instead be translated into the analogue world. The desire for the haptic is not presented here like a fleeting retro trend. The haptic feature of the analogue world is made tangible, while the limitations of the digital are also made clear.