Der dunkle und der schönste Frühling
In my theoretical work I read a fragment of the novel Franza by Ingeborg Bachmann and the text Dunkler Frühling (Dark Spring) by Unica Zürn in parallel in order to trace the protagonists’ experiences of puberty and the consequences of these experiences. The focus here is on the image of men and women and their relationships to their parents.
The project Das Haus (the house) presents itself in the form of a novel that attempts to connect the experiences of a family across three generations. Three different time periods are interwoven and display parallels between the biographies of those involved. Be it the son who, thirty years later, plays the same children’s games in the yard as the uncle did as a child, be it the vague fears that haunt individual fam-ily members, or the disappearance of family members. Acting in the sense of a literal foundation, a group of moles damage the fabric of the building over decades.