In my Diplom thesis, I focused on the topic of motherhood and art. When art and motherhood meet, two worlds of life come into contact that initially appear incompatible. Concerning art or children, it is said that one should be completely committed or not at all. Both cannot work together. The reasons why art and motherhood have such an ambivalent relation- ship lie deep and are complex. Outdated myths and models a ect the image of the mother or motherhood and that of the artist as mother.
In my work I explore the interplay between inner thought and outer form. The transitions between painting, relief and sculpture are fluid. My works can be read like a memory captured in plaster. Often diffuse and vague, the forms come to the surface in a eeting moment, once again a clear structure reveals itself. The sculptures, sometimes as drawings, occasionally in a gestural relief form, contain within themselves an individual accumulation of knowledge that is brought to light through observation. Therefore, the structure of forms and colour is simultaneously chaotic and logi- cal. It is a gentle intimacy that draws one in. The structure creates tensions, densifacations, and assemblages that order themselves playfully, yet consistently and systematically. An obscured formation.