Eindringliche Zeichen, berührte Worte, bewegte Sprache
I have always enjoyed writing and it is then that I feel a closeness to drawing. These areas seem very similar to me. That is why I have been exploring the immediate line and its significance as handwriting.
Handwriting is a physical line that encodes signs through movement: on the one hand a message by way of the convention of the alphabet and, on the other hand, via the writing body, which is always also read, since its hand moves the line and is itself present. As an intuitive gesture, it makes feelings perceptible through its natural irregularities. One feels the body between the lines. Indeed, it touches it and is touched. Handwriting conveys a belief in authenticity and existence through its direct physicality. This provides words with real meaning.
Handwriting is continually vanishing from our everyday lives. My work is determined to emphasise its considerable benefit for writers and readers in a manner that is far more than merely conveying information.
Embedded in universal sign systems, our words and language are signs and expressions of our body. Situated in the line as drawing and handwriting, the body and its vitality are encoded. The surface marks on my body cover the torso like signs. They are codes of the body: unique personal features that are also universal systems. In these marks on my skin I see relationships. I weave lines into them and I imagine that there are celestial images in the same constellations. The marks function like a script of their own, in which they tell stories of the body and capture feelings. The skin is the portal to the inside. It reveals universal traces. I navigate through my coordinate system of 103 paintings. Lines unveil the invisible within the visible. This creates connections to the world and imaginative spaces emerge with infinite possibilities. All stories are interwoven – the body moves and interweaves stories. Detached from the body, the marks tell their stories in music. They are placed on staves.